Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of five members, each appointed by the Bucks County Board of Commissioners on a rotating schedule, serving five year terms. It is their responsibility to guide and direct the BCIDA in a way that promotes the growth of new and expanding businesses and family sustaining job creation throughout Bucks County.
Richard D. Gorelick | Chairman
Mary K. Smithson | Vice Chairman
Stephen Marzullo | Secretary & Assistant Vice Chairman
David C. Stoller | Treasurer & Assistant Secretary
R. Brent Alderfer | Assistant Treasurer & Assistant Secretary
Our Staff
Jorden P. (Pete) Krauss
Executive Director
Mr. Krauss has more than three decades experience in both the public and private sectors in designing, introducing and promoting a broad array of groundbreaking community and economic development initiatives, including the nationally recognized Pennsylvania Main Street Program and the Pennsylvania Enterprise Zone Program.
Kari J. Prendergast
Executive Office Administrator
Mrs. Prendergast's administrative career began in the military and continued afterward, working in both the public and private sectors. She has accumulated more than 25 years of business administration experience, filling positions in both non-profit organizations and for profit businesses.